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I was looking forward to playing this game only to see you mock autism in a way that doesn't even make sense. What the hell. That's so tone deaf.




I just came here to complain about the mocking of autism. Got the game in the BLM bundle. I'm autistic and yeah, if you could not use us as a punchline, that'd be great


I feel exactly the same. I have autism and think it's pretty BS. Also, it doesn't indicate which is better graphics either. I don't get it.

(1 edit) (+6)(-3)

Yeah. I am behavioral therapist and teach skill aquistion to autistics/ people with autism (I am writing this at work so I feel compelled to use both. I am sorry if this is wrong to anyone) and developmental delays. I got this with the BLM bundle as well. I was like "Oh! Maybe there will be something I can use here." I stopped when I realized it wanted eye contact. 

(3 edits) (+3)

Yeah this is definitely not a educational game unless you're trying to learn how to talk shit in bogan.

A reviewer, back when it was on Steam, allegedly was the parent of a child with autism who got it for them and was thanking me for the teaching material and i'm just |  ಠ  _◺ ಠ|

(1 edit) (-1)

Oh no! That makes me cringe. My son is autistic and he walked in when I was testing it. When he asked what I was doing I just told him I was looking at something but it wasn't what I thought and closed my computer. We've never made a big deal about eye contact with him and I didn't want him to think anything of it. It was just the title and way it looked that threw me off. It has similar graphics/look to some other programs I have seen. 

(1 edit) (+25)(-8)

let's uh... NOT make fun of autism in the graphical settings, thanks? how is this $4,?


nice job mocking autism. i got it from the blm bundle and honestly i can't imagine spending $4 on this solely.


i got this game from the blm bundle and when i started it up my options for resolution for "Resolution autism", "normie" and "FPS autism"


Can't really tell if it's supposed to be helpful or make fun of autism dude


I feel you dude. I got the game in the bundle and fired it up, saw the graphic quality options and I gotta admit I'm kinda uncomfortable. 

If the dev is autistic and poking fun at themself it doesn't come well across text, or if the dev isn't autistic and just making fun of those of us who are then... yikes! 


I just looked up the developer to see if he said anything about it, and I got a news story about how he made a Sandy Hook video game, so there's that.

Deleted 4 years ago

y i k e s


Not a very fun game, even for the low price point. The concept is interesting, but the gameplay is just frustrating and it's a struggle to make sense of it. I think that the fact there's so few guides or assistance are a testament to that. It just comes across as not intuitive. Like, in one level, suddenly you can pass gas. It's not explained until you do it and ruin the level, and then several attempts later, you'll get a hint to cross your eyes in order to avoid passing gas. There's no way to figure this out without this hint, and you have no idea when you're about to pass gas so you just need to cross your eyes randomly.

I finally gave up on the Work level where you had to read notes, which I eventually figured out was done by crossing your eyes back and forth over the notes, which nobody really does. But you also have to make eye contact with your coworkers, but not so much that you've slowed down the reading of the notes. It was just intensely irritating.

Also for a game that's supposedly meant to be a way to help social interaction, perhaps for people with social anxiety or another cognitive disorder, labeling the graphical modes as 'FPS autism' or 'Resolution autism' seemed disastrously tone-deaf.

(2 edits) (+1)

Me: Looks at guy interrupting my date


Me: Doesn't look


Me: Acts natural

Game: Avoiding doesn't help.


Also, whenever I do anything after the big bitchy guy annoys me, either I look(act too strong) or be natural(too weak) WTF?

(1 edit)

look to the left when its your turn to reply.

why was this game removed from steam anyway?

(1 edit) (-8)

'cause steam is the game distribution equivalent of a hoarder's trash heap home


Because there was this problem with the developer asking people for real money for unlocking an achievement

(1 edit) (+2)(-4)

That is not the reason i took down my games from Steam. Steam is just a terrible service that i couldn't work with anymore.


I successfully bought condoms and made sensual love by wildly rotating my eyes in demonic possession the entire time.  Next time I am in this situation, I will now know what to do.  Thank you.


Don't talk about making babies XD AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH


just keep staring
be natural you know, like completely natural at it

Cute, funny, and fun! It's fun to try and solve the puzzles.


how do i finish park


What I did was look at the guy for a bit whenever I talked, looked around for a few seconds when he talked, then did the cross-eye bit.


Doesn't even work bruh!!! WTF is wrong with this game?

Whenever I look away it just fails

i dont even like coffee wtf


I had a pretty good experience with the game, it was funny, fun, and somewhat informative. I now know not to stare down people in public, not make fun of the disability of my dead boss at their funeral, and many other things. It did get frustrating after a little while, as I did not understand the last part of the Funeral  level. It was still fun nevertheless.


Just super funny and amazing! Good job!

(1 edit)

hello I bought this game on steam and when they removed it from the store they said they were going to give us a key and they never gave it. I have proof that I buy it I want my key to please help. Thank you for your time


Email me

Deleted post

how do u pass park

You just look away when the annoying guy comes and distract them

It always says "You're acting weak"


Look at the guy whilst he's talking and then look to the left when he stops

Make it free plz im broke plz im broke and my family can't afford it

Then we'll both be broke.


You can play it on the browser too..


Make it free!!!


when is the 100% sale


May 25 2041


"57 days ago" hmmm

to get romance just move eyes very fast and sex



(1 edit) (+1)

Man i had some fun whilst playing the game,Also my eye goes weird for some reason

Dose it come with a Steam Key?


I had trouble with some of the levels so apparently I needed this! Thanks for a good game and a fun time :)


how do you do the park one!

When he's talking look at him and try not to "look weak" (stare somewhere else) 

When the player is talking look to the left.


(He, as in the dude that looked at your dick in the restroom)


Tried out the web version and absolutely loved this game! It felt like the perfect amount of challenging and goofy and some of the puzzles really made me think. The Park level didn't make too much since to me but I eventually figured out what I needed to do. Good job on an amazing little game!

I did a playthrough of the web version for anyone curious:


Player: dem boobs tho




There's no more bits past Romance. Thats it. How do I get all of them?


Ikr i wanna do ALL of the interactions not 7 of them! Plz fix this.


Buy the game, baka.


You have to buy the game. Sorry, i'm not the one who made this. I'm mad too, but I can't change it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hi, I'm from Brazil, where and how I can find the texts to translate the game? Thanks so much!


Email me


hi there the game won't let me do the park part it just freezes on it


Sorry about that, new builds are up that fix that.


Game won't work past work. I get the congratulations your boss had a stroke, but funeral never opens up. :(


Still trying to solve this inconsistent bug, in the meantime use the unlocking code "PASSWORD123" typed on the mainmenu.


Thanks so much! I thought I was just THAT awkward that it knew I needed more training :P

you need to do parents first then funeral I think

did u do parents?

Deleted 173 days ago

I know right,it feels boring.


how do i win in coffe?


When she's talking, you look at her. When you're talking, look at her. When you both stop talking, make yourself cross-eyed, and it'll make her laugh.

I love this but I don't know how to behave in the park! I get my butt kicked or I´m too timid

(1 edit)


EDIT: make her laugh to win!! cross your eyes (saw it on markiplier's channel)

when the person interuping stops talking, look at the clouds. bascllly you need to look at the bottom left


When the girl is talking, look at her, and look at her when/if you talk. When the guy comes, look at him, then quickly look to the other side (left).

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